Market Commentary

Rate Cuts and Your Bond Portfolio

After several years of low interest rates, bond yields have been attractive for the past few years. While a recent turning point in central bank policy has slightly lowered yields, today’s bond market offers a unique combination of capital preservation and income in an increasingly complex economic landscape. Our current fixed income investment strategy is […]

Market Commentary

Rate Cuts and Your Bond Portfolio

After several years of low interest rates, bond yields have been attractive for the past few years. While a recent turning point in central bank policy has slightly lowered yields, today’s bond market offers a unique combination of capital preservation and income in an increasingly complex economic landscape. Our current fixed income investment strategy is […]

Keeping Clifford Swan Strong

We all face potential loss from natural disasters. Regionally, we endure storms, fires, earthquakes, and floods. In order to give ourselves comfort we prepare for such unforeseen threats. Emergency preparedness includes taking inventory of what we have and how to protect against the loss of those items. This personal risk assessment allows us to reduce […]

Gretchen E. Lee

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