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After several years of low interest rates, bond yields have been attractive for the past few years. While a recent turning point in central bank policy has slightly lowered yields, today’s bond market offers a unique combination of capital preservation and income in an increasingly complex economic landscape. Our current fixed income investment strategy is […]
“The generations of living things pass in a short time and, like runners, hand on the torch of life.” —Lucretius, Roman philosopherWhat issue most worries families of means around the world? In our experience, families with significant wealth are focused not only on investment management of their financial assets; they also care deeply about the long-term welfare of their families. Their goal of “capital […]
Much has been written in the last couple of years regarding the “fiduciary rule” rekindled by the 2015 announcement by the Department of Labor (DOL) of a seemingly straightforward and reasonable proposal which would require all firms and individuals who provide investment advice to retirement plans and IRAs to abide by a “fiduciary” standard. To be a fiduciary requires putting clients’ best interests before one’s own […]
“What about our family do you value most and hope never changes? “ This is one of several questions a family might ask itself as part of a process to develop a family mission statement. Why might a family want to define their mission? Consider what a mission statement achieves in a business setting—it clarifies an organization’s identity and vision for the future.A […]
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