Market Commentary

Rate Cuts and Your Bond Portfolio

After several years of low interest rates, bond yields have been attractive for the past few years. While a recent turning point in central bank policy has slightly lowered yields, today’s bond market offers a unique combination of capital preservation and income in an increasingly complex economic landscape. Our current fixed income investment strategy is […]

Market Commentary

Rate Cuts and Your Bond Portfolio

After several years of low interest rates, bond yields have been attractive for the past few years. While a recent turning point in central bank policy has slightly lowered yields, today’s bond market offers a unique combination of capital preservation and income in an increasingly complex economic landscape. Our current fixed income investment strategy is […]

Finalized Inherited IRA Regulations

Since the SECURE Act was passed in 2019, it has been clear that those who inherited IRAs after 2020 needed to draw them down within 10 years, what hadn’t been finalized was whether annual RMDs were required.  On July 18, 2024, the IRS released final regulations confirming the requirement for Non-Designated Beneficiaries of IRAs to […]

George E. Hasbun, CFP®

Protecting Against AI-Driven Financial Fraud

It’s 2:00 a.m., and you are sleeping soundly when your cell phone rings from an unknown number. You answer the phone to hear your grandson’s voice on the other side. He is in distress and explains he was in a car accident. It was his fault, and he needs some money to get out of […]

George E. Hasbun, CFP®

Opportunities for Maximizing Education and Retirement Accounts

The cost of education has never been higher. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the cost of education has increased by two times the inflation rate since 2000. Despite the increase in education costs, tax-advantaged 529 savings plans, which are the primary savings vehicle for education, have been underfunded by most Americans. Concerns […]

George E. Hasbun, CFP®

Does Cryptocurrency Belong in Your Portfolio?

Cryptocurrencies have entered the mainstream. What began as a white paper written by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” has morphed into several cryptocurrencies currently valued at approximately $2 trillion dollars. Bitcoin is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency and is gaining momentum worldwide. In fact, The President […]

George E. Hasbun, CFP®

New Tax Law Could Benefit You

The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act was passed in December 2019. It is one of the largest pieces of retirement legislation to be approved into law in over a decade, and it changes rules that have been in effect for well over 30 years.The SECURE Act tackles several enhancement areas for […]

George E. Hasbun, CFP®

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