How We Invest
Sound, principled, and tailored to you
We do not chase the latest trends. Instead, we invest with a long lens and focus on the fundamentals that matter, supported by an expert in-house research team. The result: peace of mind, no matter the state of the market.

The Pillars of Investment Success
- The market isn’t always rational.
- Risk is not always rewarded.
- Let time work in your favor through compounding.
- Identify high-quality businesses with durable advantages.
- Focus on tangible factors — like cash flows — and not on fleeting trends..
- The market is increasingly shortsighted. Invest for the long term.
- Price matters. Be disciplined in what you pay.
- Be decisive when opportunities arise.
How We Construct Your Portfolio
Our Asset Allocation Toolkit
High-quality stocks provide long-term growth. Dividend-paying stocks supplement income.
Fixed Income
Bonds are a capital preservation tool to provide income and portfolio stability.
Skilled Fund Managers
To complement your core investments, we have a robust process for evaluating outside managers.
Alternative Investments
For additional diversification and growth, we consider non-correlated investments, including private assets.
How We Identify Leading Companies
We use a rigorous framework to identify leading companies that can generate outsized long-term returns.
What we look for
- Durable, proven business models facing little to no risk of extinction
- Fortress balance sheets
- A profitable growth runway
- Managers who think long-term
What we avoid
- Speculative business models with too wide of a range of outcomes
- Excessive debt
- Undisciplined, poorly incentivized managers
- Poor financial transparency and low earnings quality
How We Identify Creditworthy Issuers
We primarily invest in high-quality government and corporate bonds. Through our strong relationships with institutional dealers, clients access more bond options and better relative pricing.
Rather than rely solely on third-party credit ratings, we perform a thorough credit analysis of each issuer. Through our rigorous institutional process, we can uncover attractive bonds in different markets and gain confidence in the ability of the issuer to meet its obligations.

Research Is Our Edge
The investment landscape is ever changing. So are we. We strive to constantly improve our research process and the quality of our decisions. By understanding the fundamentals of each investment opportunity, we can build greater confidence in our long-term results.
Here are the benefits:
We are 100% employee-owned and embrace an independent advisory model.
Our independence means no products to push.
A deep knowledge of companies and industries provides a layer of clarity and control.
Rather than chase trends, we seek out businesses and industries with staying power and long-term growth potential.
We build your portfolio according to your needs rather than place you in a pre-built model.
A tailored approach takes advantage of compelling investment opportunities while also responding to life events and changing needs. We consider your taxes, risk comfort, and overall financial picture.